Australian Labradoodle Puppies Available

Puppies Available!

puppies available
Australian Labradoodle Puppies June 2014

 Australian Labradoodle Puppies Available

Puppy colors abound with this beautiful litter of Australian Labradoodle puppies.

We have Cream, Apricot, Caramel, Chocolate and Black puppies available for purchase.

The puppy colors of this litter are remarkable.  Puppy colors range from Cream to Black.  This is a healthy litter and all of the puppies are gaining weight each day.  The female Australian Labradoodles are typically 2-3 ounces smaller than the boys in this litter.  The one exception to this is one big Chocolate girl that is running dead even with the smallest Black boy.  If you would like to learn more about adopting one of our multi-generational Australian Labradoodle puppies just click here and it will take you to a page that should be able to answer most of your questions.